Water Paintings by Sandy Spieler From the We Bend to the Water Installation at the McKnight Fondation All ice breath hand water flower water five fish* fish swim feet water ducks drink* deer collect water clouds carry water* Canoe brush teeth breakers birth water birds fishing* birdbath* bear water beach water man water fall* wash turtle* thank you tears stream sprouts snowman snowflakes snow tree skiing river* rain* rain drops pour tea pool woman* moonwater* moonwater lilypads* lakeside* lake sun lake birds* joseph heron* headwash* hairwash* baptism All ice breath hand water flower water five fish* fish swim feet water ducks drink* deer collect water clouds carry water* Canoe brush teeth breakers birth water birds fishing* birdbath* bear water beach water man water fall* wash turtle* thank you tears stream sprouts snowman snowflakes snow tree skiing river* rain* rain drops pour tea pool woman* moonwater* moonwater lilypads* lakeside* lake sun lake birds* joseph heron* headwash* hairwash* baptism